It's Been A While.....
The 2019 season is off to a bumpy start but we anticipate to finish the season strong! In the history of OKA we have never had to cancel...
OKA Update
Well it's that time of the year again where everyone is gearing up for another great OKA season. As many of you have been following the...
Welcome to the new look OKA website!
Recently there has been some changes made within Oklahoma Kayak Anglers! The most notable being the departure of Brent Wilson as a board...
2017 Season Opener
What a way to kick off the 2017 kayak fishing season! Our anglers set a new attendance record and the current big bass record was beaten!...
2016 Oklahoma State Championship
The Oklahoma State Championship lived up to its name (and more) this weekend as some of the best kayak fisherman in the state met on...
2nd Annual OK vs AR
On this beautiful september day we had 33 kayak anglers come out to represent their state, 27 from Oklahoma and 6 from Arkansas. As the...
2016 Oklahoma Open & AOY
Good evening ladies and gentleman, last weekend was the Oklahoma Open! It started off just after 6 am on Prague and Okemah lakes. 47...
OKA Qualifiers and Payout Structure for the 2016 Spring Series
How to Qualify for the Oklahoma State Championship: The state Championship is one of our most coveted titles. Gary Kasper currently reins...
2016 OKA W.R. Holway (NE Trail)
As the darkness turned to gray light, Dave Finneran checked in 20 anglers. They were ready to see if pumpback was willing to give up an...
2016 OKA Arbuckle (Central Trail)
The 2nd stop for the central trail was held at Arbuckle lake on Saturday May 15th. We had 29 anglers come try to find the giants at...
2016 OKA Sportsman (Central Trail)
It was a cool crisp morning and the Farley's began check-in early to accommodate several early arrivals. Sportsman was quickly underway...
2016 Spring Series Opener
What a way to kick off the 2016 kayak fishing season! Our fisherman set another attendance record! Our previous record was 51 anglers set...
2016 Season Opener
What a way to kick off the 2016 kayak fishing season! Our fisherman set another attendance record! Our previous record was 51 anglers set...
This warm winter has everyone ready for some fishing! Soon the first thunderstorms of the year will barrel down our neck of the woods. ...
OKA Premeeting update
We are rapidlly approaching the start of Oklahoma's 5th year with a kayak fishing trail! We'd like to take a moment and introduce our...